PWPNation — The WWE Universe has been talking about a draft, and who might go where… but no one is talking about NXT taking part in the RAW/Smackdown Draft.
NXT is the best thing WWE has going, and to be honest, it doesn’t matter who they lose in the draft. Triple H, the trainers, Regal, etc… they will build up and make a star out of ANYONE they see fit to have a match.

Guys like Dexter Lumis, who spent YEARS under the name Sam Shaw in TNA and the Indies… guys like Cameron Grimes who I didn’t care about in the Breakout Tournament, but after two weeks, two matches, I’m 100% sold on him.
Triple H can take someone who has been nothing and truly make people care about them with the snap of his finger… so why not bring a few of those guys back to NXT?
The Draft can make it happen.
William Regal, the legend who is the GM of NXT could easily show up on Smackdown or RAW. He could easily wait until the Draft is over then step out into the spotlight at NXT Live on the USA Network and draft a handful of talent back to NXT, just like Breeze and Fandango went back.
Here’s 5 NXT Alumni that Regal should ‘steal’ from the main roster, and it would be beneficial:
Heavy Machinery
Sure they are great on the Main Roster, but they are a team that NXT could use like crazy right now. The talent, charisma, and sheer power would shadow what the Street Profits were doing, even though I love them too. NXT needs to clearly rebuild the tag division. With The profits going “Main Roster” they really only have Undisputed Era and The Forgotten Sons.
Look. Cesaro has a long history with the WWE. From Aksana to the US Title to Tag Titles with Sheamus, Cesaro is the total package. I’m excited they seem to be making him relevant again, but he needs NXT and NXT needs him. My favorite Cesaro(and Zayn) match was the two facing each other during the rise of NXT Takeover. They killed it and NXT has the talent to perfectly accent Cesaro.
Finn Balor
Well, I let this story sit for a week while I watched to see how the draft might shape-up and I’m excited that Balor as willingly announced himself as being back with NXT full-time.
The full sail audience LOVED EC3 for every reason possible. If reports are right, then why leave him on the main roster where Vince McMahon seemingly hates the guy? It’s going to be interesting to see how NXT uses the roster now that they don’t need to worry about someone being built to be the champion and then depart to the main roster. EC3 needs this though. Cole, Strong, Gargano, Dream, Keith Lee, Riddle… EC3 would be must-see in NXT, not “must bury” like on the main roster.
Aleister Black
It’s no secret that he’s a star. He’s the future of the WWE. His run on the main roster has been good, but lack-luster. Starting as a weird, random tag team with Ricochet, he hasn’t done much since outside of vignettes, a great match with Cesaro, and a few random matches here and there on Smackdown. He’s clearly taken a back seat to the rest of the roster once the Wild Card rule became a thing. I honestly wouldn’t mind him coming back and causing a fatal 4 way with Cole, Gargano, Ciampa and himself for the NXT Title.
While I’m not overly sure that NXT and Regal will have anything to do with the draft, if they want NXT to truly be considered a 3rd brand and not “developmental” then he needs to be a part of it somewhere over the two-night event.
While the draft is always kind of cool and exciting, I feel they messed up and spoiled it this year. I doubt they would make a brand new Smackdown opening video only to have to redo it because people in that video got drafted to RAW… i.e. Lynch, Reigns, Lesnar, etc… while guys like KO, AJ, Seth, and Braun weren’t in the new opening at all.