An Open Letter to Braun Strowman
Hey Braun,
What’s up, my dude? I hope you’re following the suggested regulations and self quarantining. I understand that WWE is not paying you at the moment. Yo man, just ask for the downside guarantee! We all know about it. How you guys get paid isn’t a secret.
Anyway, I need to address what you said about other “independent contractors” that may not be at the same level that you currently are.
Look man, I’ve been told in the past when inquiring about “Braun Strownman” rumors that you’re the “nicest guy”. I’ve been told that you’re a “good person.”

I would like to believe that. I know that everyone makes a mistake from time to time out of frustration or having a bad day…whatever the case may be. But to talk down to people who are trying to rely on support from their fans in 2020 is laughable.
Where have you been? Patreon, OnlyFans, GoFundMe, etc aren’t new forms of supporting content creators. They exist for this very reason. And right now, we’re damn lucky they do! Every heard of the 1,000 True Fan Rule? It’s known, and proven, that if someone has 1,000 true fans, they should be able to pull at least $1 per month from their fans.
That’s capitalism, right?
People support you by buying your “GET THESE HANDS!” t-shirts, right? What’s the difference if an independent wrestler asks his/her fans for support during a time where he/she CANNOT WORK?
I kind of wish you had to spend 3 years or so on the indies before making it to WWE. I get that you were a strongman, which is dope in its own right, but categorically different than being an independent pro wrestler.
Personally, I don’t think anyone cares if you apologize at this point. The better thing would be to prove to yourself that you aren’t such a douchebag. Because if you really are that super nice guy that just had a bad day, I get it. I sympathize with you. It’s important now to do something to make yourself feel better.
Donate some money to these independent wrestlers, dude. Hook em up. It doesn’t matter how much. Also, don’t even tell anyone about it. Just do it anonymously and make yourself feel better about this situation.
The “blocking” spree on social media accounts that are criticizing you is showing that you can dish it out, but can’t take it. It’s all about making yourself feel better now, Braun. Once you feel better and understand the scope of what you said, the faster everyone can move on.
Best of luck with everything though, Braun. I hope WWE realizes how pissed your fanbase is at you. I’m sure Little Jimmy has no idea what you said, but basically every diehard wrestling fan can’t condone it.
Enjoy your time in isolation, dude. And good luck at WrestleMania. I’m sure everyone will be watching.
Jay Alletto