In his latest piece, PWP Nation’s Editor-in-Chief Eron Ramadanov explains why he doesn’t think Shane McMahon should return to the wrestling ring again.
If you’re like me, you don’t ever want to see Shane McMahon wrestle again. It’s not malicious or personal. I don’t hate Shane McMahon, nor do I wish to see him leave WWE again. I think he’s a valuable asset to the company and especially for SmackDown LIVE as an authority figure and drawing card. Fans like Shane. I’m not really sure why, though. He’s a McMahon. People, for the most part, don’t like McMahons for whatever reason, but there’s something about Shane that’s different.
If I had to put my finger on it, I’d guess that he’s somehow proven himself to the fans. He’s taken crazy, life-threatening dives that have left many fans of his in absolute shock and people appreciate that. They appreciate the fact that instead of staying in the office, he chooses to come to the ring and perform the best he can for us.
BUT… I have seen enough. After seeing Shane McMahon at this past Sunday’s Survivor Series, I think I’m in the majority that no longer wants to see Shane O’Mac wrestle again.
After this Sunday, do you still want to see Shane McMahon wrestle in the future? This is a internal debate going on w/ PWP staff & others.
— PWP Nation (@PWPNation) November 23, 2016
Personally, I try to base my opinions and judgments off more than just emotions. One of the things I use to determine how I feel about a certain talent, storyline or situation is the “eye test.” Just by simply watching the matches and how the competitors interact with each other and how they perform. From using the “eye test,” I have come to the conclusion that Shane McMahon has no business wrestling in the future.
Where do I start? Oh, right… his awful and horrible “shadow boxing.” I have never seen uglier and more inaccurate punches thrown in my entire life (and yes, that includes John Cena). Not only does he miss, but he misses badly; almost to the point where the talent getting punched doesn’t even know whether to sell it or not. I’m a firm believer that if you can’t throw a proper punch, then maybe you should invest in throwing elbows/forearms instead. They’re much easier to throw and creates the illusion of real contact, which Shane McMahon desperately needs.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone backstage says anything to Shane about it. You’d think with how detail orientated Vince McMahon is, he would have said something by now, right? Maybe he loves his son too much to say something, or oddly enough, maybe he doesn’t notice it. Baffling if that’s the case.
Secondly, several times in the men’s 5-on-5 elimination tag team match this past Sunday, Team Raw members working with Shane McMahon were visibly annoyed and frustrated with his lack of ability to sell and his inability to “hang” with the rest of the boys. Not only was his selling terrible, but he was putting himself and his co-workers in danger. There were several spots in the Survivor Series match where he put himself in harms way, along with putting his colleagues in danger.
Most notably, McMahon was actually hurt in that match when he attempted his infamous “coast-to-coast” move that he’s done multiple times in the past, but this time around, it didn’t go as planned. When McMahon sprung across the ring, Reigns reversed and went for his spear. The timing was off and it led to McMahon being seriously injured and forced to exit the match early. Let me stress to people that this could’ve been really bad and Shane O’Mac is extremely lucky it didn’t end up with him leaving on a stretcher.
This is where I put my foot down. I can deal with the lack of selling, shadow punches and sloppy spots, but I can not in good conscious be okay with Shane McMahon getting in the ring if he’s going to get himself injured and more importantly, injure valuable and important in-ring talent. At this time, WWE’s roster is too limited to have someone the company relies on to get hurt like Kevin Owens, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose or anyone else for that matter.
There have been rumblings of Shane McMahon being involved in a featured match at WrestleMania 33 or the Royal Rumble. Some names being floated around are Dean Ambrose, Brock Lesnar and Triple H. To be blunt, I have no interest in seeing that. For the sake of Shane McMahon and his co-workers, I believe that he should no longer be a part of the in-ring entertainment of WWE. Even with all of the things I listed in this article, there was something that cemented this opinion in stone for me.

When Shane McMahon was taken to the back by the WWE medical staff, his children, who were at ringside, were upset, worried and scared about the condition of their father. Luckily, Randy Orton, who was on the outside of the ring in front of where McMahon’s children were sitting, was able to calm them down and assure them that he would be okay. But in all honesty, Orton didn’t know that. No one could’ve. But, for someone like Shane who isn’t trained or an actual professional wrestler, he can actively do something to make sure his children aren’t in that situation again.
So in closing, I firmly believe that Shane McMahon should hang up his white jersey and let what he’s done over the past 15+ plus years speak for itself before someone gets seriously hurt.
Thanks for reading, everyone.
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