I’ve been impressed in recent months with the work rate and level of athleticism in the so-called Divas division of the WWE, which has improved by leaps and bounds from the Sunny and Sable days, when it was more about aesthetics than athletics.
These days the girls, including the likes of Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey, Charlotte, Asuka, Bayley, Sasha, Alexa Bliss and the Riott Squad have been really raising the bar and having some incredible matches that rival anything their male counterparts have been doing.
Having said that, I can’t say I was very impressed with the lame charade at the Elimination Chamber pay per view last week involving Becky Lynch, Charlotte and Ronda Rousey.

If you missed it, Becky hobbled out to the ring on crutches to confront to Charlotte and Ronda and after a long, drawn out discussion suddenly attacked both of them, battering them with her crutches for well over five minutes straight.
Initially, because Becky had beaten on them both so viciously, I figured that they would probably need to be stretchered out. That didn’t happen though and Charlotte and Ronda ended up walking out on their own – which made it hard to take seriously.
Making matters worse, in previous matches there were numerous other incidents involving the use of chairs, kendo sticks, tables, the galvanized steel ring steps and assorted other weapons –which further detracted from the Becky, Charlotte and Ronda angle.
I’m not sure what why but the people orchestrating the schematics in Titan Tower seem to think that it’s some cutting edge new concept to have wrestlers (male and female) beating the crap out of each other with weapons, but the last time I checked, it doesn’t require any wresting ability, guts or whatever else to use a weapon on somebody else.
In fact criminals and lowlife scumbags do it every day on a regular basis and aren’t considered tough nor is it worth paying money to watch.

I shouldn’t be having to remind my friends in the WWE command centre that, regardless of whether it’s purported to be sport or entertainment, wrestlers should be sticking to wrestling as their main course and that too much of the extraneous bullshit is one of the reasons why their ratings and numbers are on the decline.
A few months ago, Hunter, Vince and company acknowledged that they hadn’t been doing a very good job lately and vowed to do better. This type of crap certainly doesn’t indicate that they’re on the right track.
Anyway, on that note, I’ll call this a wrap, but will look forward to catching up with you all next week for more candid comments on the wrestling scene.
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