PWP Nation’s Caden Moran details how he would book Seth Rollins following WWE Extreme Rules
Now that Seth Rollins is no longer the WWE Universal Champion following a successful Money in the Bank cash-in by Brock Lesnar, where does “The Beastslayer” go from here?
After laying in bed and thinking of a potential story for the former champion post-Extreme Rules, there is one clear route WWE should take with Rollins.
Obviously, Rollins is going to be livid, upset, depressed and just about any other adjective to describe how he should feel about losing the title. With that being said, we should start to see a dark side to babyface Seth Rollins going into SummerSlam.
I don’t necessarily mean turn him heel, but if WWE wants to sell this loss and build a proper redemption arch, a darker and more aggressive side should be shown.

To start off, I wouldn’t give Rollins an immediate rematch clause. On Raw tonight, Seth should cut an angry promo directed towards Lesnar and he says he is coming for him at SummerSlam. However, some authority figure, presumably Triple H, would come out and say that match wouldn’t happen unless Seth earns his way back.
The sound of this enrages Rollins, and he simply says, “I will do whatever I have to do.” Rollins would then hit “The Game” with a Pedigree. The significance of this would show that he no longer cares about rules (for the time being) and he will even return to a place he never thought he would come back to.
Over the weeks leading up to “the biggest party of the Summer,” Rollins should be more ruthless in the ring, showing no remorse on his road back to the top. I would have him attack his opponents before the match begins and maybe even have him attack random stars backstage.
Two key factors in this story are Lesnar and Becky Lynch. I wouldn’t have Lesnar show up AT ALL until the Raw before SummerSlam.
Due to his constant absences, Rollins goes crazy as he hunts down “The Beast” every week. He begins demanding to know where Brock is, but his wishes are never answered. Seth should turn Raw into his personal hell where everyone around him is a target until he gets what he wants, even Lynch. (she will become a factor in the end)

In the final weeks, I would book Seth in a gauntlet match (because who doesn’t love those?). If he wins, he gets Brock at SummerSlam. However, if he loses, he will never get a chance at Brock again.
Put him against four of Raw‘s best: Cedric Alexander, Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio and Drew McIntyre.
Rollins manages to defeat all of them, but a fifth match will take place. Roman Reigns emerges.
The symbolic nature of this pits two brothers against one another, both who would do anything to be on top.
After a valiant effort, Seth fails to defeat Reigns. For the moment, it appears Seth’s run at the top is over.
On the episode of Raw before SummerSlam, at the very end of the show, Seth would give one final promo demanding his match. Triple H comes out and says Seth’s time is over. He refuses to hear the word “no” anymore and before his former mentor can walk away, Seth says he will put his career on the line.
Similar to his plea to Triple H for a match between them at WrestleMania 33, Seth says he has nothing else to lose.
Reluctantly, Triple H books the match.
Becky Lynch comes out to remind Seth that he has her, and he could always lose her if he continues to go down this path. Seth says he doesn’t care. The only thing that matters to him is taking down Lesnar once and for all and finally becoming “The Man” in WWE.
Before Lynch can respond, Lesnar makes his way out and goes after Seth. After finding an opening, he beats down his opponent without taking a breath. He then grabs a steel chair and brutally beats Brock.
Lynch can’t watch anymore and she re-enters the ring to stop her boyfriend. However, blinded by rage, Seth turns around and hits Lynch across the head (protected, of course) with the chair.
Seth looks down in shock at what he’s done. The crowd is silent, as is commentary. He realizes the man he’s become. He was blinded by his own desires and he hurt the only thing he could never lose.
As medics tend to Lynch, Rollins sits in the corner in horror. Raw goes off the air with the sight of an unconscious Becky and a mentally damaged Seth.
SummerSlam would begin with the questions of Becky’s status and what will happen with Seth. However, I won’t add anymore to this.
I will say that I would have Seth regain the title, but the question would be “how?”
I’ll let you book that one yourself.
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