I would’ve never guessed it. Only moments before WWE SummerSlam went on the air, Elias was partaking in his typical “live concert, only to be interrupted by a legend” routine. And as we’ve seen time and time again, nothing really ever comes of it.
Legend interrupts. Talks some shit and moves on. Nothing more to see here. BUT…. not this time. This time, Edge returned to a thunderous ovation, only to not utter a single word. Even though Edge didn’t say anything, his actions did all of the talking.
To the surprise of everyone in the arena and watching at home, Edge stared from across the ring at Elias and with a full head of steam, speared him into next week.
Immediately following, fans and media outlets, including us, began to speculate what this could mean for Edge and his future. At one point in time, Edge claimed that he could never wrestle again. The situation was so serious, Edge even went as far as to say if he took one more spear, it could permanently paralyze him.
Fast forward to SummerSlam, many are asking what changed? Did he get better? Was it similar to Daniel Bryan’s situation, that over time and treatment, Edge could return to the ring if he wanted too?
On a recent episode of Edge’s podcast, he elaborated on his current condition and his retirement: “When I first found out, and with my retirement speech, I said what I knew at that point. I’ve since learned a lot more and know what my limitations ACTUALLY are. Hitting a spear isn’t one of them.”
Edge went on to say he could see himself doing another match, but thinks WWE would never let it happen: “To be perfectly honest, I think I could do a match tomorrow. I might be blown up but I’d be okay. It’s just from what I know with WWE medical staff, they won’t allow it. It is what it is, right?” (Transcribed via ProWrestlingSheet.com)
So with all that being said, who knows if Edge will be allowed to wrestle another match or if Edge is even serious about wrestling again.
But, the cool thing about being a internet mark is that we can speculate and fantasy book until we’re blue in the face, which is exactly what I’m going to do.
Assuming WWE medically cleared Edge for competition and he actually was willing to return for one last match, I put together a list of WWE Superstars that would best fit the scenario.
Before I get into the list, I just want to clarify a few things. These six were decided on based off many things, but here are the three big variables that were considered: the story/build, the quality of match and the end result (aka the finish/aftermath).
So, let’s get into it:
AJ Styles

Honestly, from a bell-to-bell standpoint, I couldn’t think of anyone that would fit Edge’s style more than AJ Styles. Aside from being one of the best wrestlers in the world, Styles is a double-sided coin.
With Edge coming out of retirement, you’d assume the fans would view him as a babyface and the company would more than likely present him that way. Styles is versatile enough to play both a heel and babyface, and do so convincingly.
Styles would more than hold his own on the microphone and would be a guide for Edge in his first match in 8 years. I’m not saying Edge would need to be carried, because he wouldn’t. But Styles is known for his ability to be a ring general and command the squared circle. I’m sure Edge would feel more than comfortable dancing with the Phenomenal One in his last match ever.

Now, talk about a return match. I can see it now. Edge appears on RAW or SmackDown LIVE to interrupt Elias again, and this time… Edge is the one who gets interrupted by… THE FIEND.
Now, I’m aware this match is a bit far fetched and isn’t necessarily the perfect fit, but I think the story that could be told and the result make it worth it.
Granted, out of all the possible opponents, this one would easily receive the most buzz and anticipation. But would the wrestling match live up to the hype? Hard to say.
Either way, I think Edge losing in his return match is the right move and I don’t think there’s any way Wyatt doesn’t benefit from this. THE FIEND retiring Edge for good is a great notch on his belt and gives WWE a way to use Edge’s return for more than just a nostalgic moment, like they so often like to do.
Daniel Bryan

The Planet’s Champion vs. The Rated-R Superstar? Yes, please!
Out of all the matches, this one really interests me. I think the story here could be very complex and you could go in a lot of different directions with the match itself. The fact that both of these guys were forced into retirement and have both come back is a built in story right there.
And fast forwarding to the match, both Bryan and Edge could use their necks as a storyline plot to sell. I think the build and match would be great, but the only thing that is left lacking is the result. I don’t think Bryan beating Edge does much of anything for him and I’m not a fan of a returning legend winning his return match. Wrestling 101: always give back to the business and go out on your back.
Nonetheless, this match and story would be a sight for sore eyes.
John Cena

Hear me out before you blow up my mentions.
I understand we’ve seen this match a thousand times and this feud dominated Monday Night RAW for years, but there is something about putting John Cena and Edge in the same ring that changes the atmosphere inside a building. Why not do it one more time?
Out of all six options I’ve presented, admittedly, this one I’d be least excited for, but I couldn’t exclude Cena from this conversation. Based on the history they have and the matches they’ve produced, you have to give this some consideration at the very least.
The story is there. The match would be perfectly fine. But the result would be odd and I’m not quite sure how we’d get there. Consider this more of an honorable mention.
Seth Rollins

How could I not include the WWE Universal Champion?
This one has a two-layered story. For this, you could go back to the time Rollins held Edge hostage to get what he wanted and nearly curb stomped the WWE Hall of Famer.
Or you could go to something a little more recent. Not to long ago, Edge and Seth Rollins’ girlfriend and WWE RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch had a Twitter spat that made the rounds. From a fan’s perspective, it was unclear if it was all in good fun or if the things being said were legitimate. Either way, that could be used to fuel this fire.
We’ve also seen some on-screen interaction between Lynch and Edge on WWE TV that could also be used. Either way, the story is built in, but is it a story I’d be most interested in? Probably not.
As for the match, I have no concerns there and for a finish, Rollins getting a rub off Edge isn’t that vital to his career. Out of all of the options I’ve listed, this is probably at the bottom of my list, but make no bones about it. This would still be an awesome option for Edge’s return.
Drew McIntyre

This man right here was easily my first choice. And when I say easily, I believe everything here fits. The story, the match and the result.
The story is easy and simple. Drew feels overlooked and is hungry to prove himself. Sees a returning legend getting the spotlight and takes it. Besides Samoa Joe (who was also considered), no one brings intensity to the ring on a consistent basis like Drew. He reminds me of Edge in that respect with some of the mannerisms used and the passion he brings to his matches and promos.
As for the match, I think it would be fantastic. Drew and Edge have very unique styles and I’d be interested to see how they mesh. And for the finish, claymore kick… 1,2,3.
Not only does Edge come out of retirement and deliver a kickass match, but gives a huge rub to someone who could really use it right now.
Thanks for reading! Head over to my personal Twitter account to continue the conversation @Eron_Ramadanov or to our official Twitter account @PWPNation.