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Dean Douglas vs. Razor Ramon
Intercontinental Championship

Razor’s pulling double duty, as the commentators ask how could Razor possibly have left. Regardless, he’s still the first out of the gate, as he puts Douglas in an arm drag and starts to work on the forearm. It’s odd how Razor’s wearing down Dean, even though he’s the underdog. We’re told Razor must be running out of his energy, but he seems perfectly in control to me. Razor’s backed into a corner, and Dean has to actually move the ref out of the way in order to stop away at Razor.

Dean’s offense is short lived as Razor catches him and hits a fall-away slam. Razor’s still in total control as Dean scrambles to climb back in. This would have made a lot more sense if Dean actually had ANY offense in the match he was supposed to have the clear advantage in, but that’s backstage politics for you. Razor crotches Dean on the railguard, dumps water on his head and sets up for the Razor’s Edge back in the ring! Douglas thankfully counters, as he takes it Razor on the outside.

We’re back in the ring and Douglas is on the top rope, but Razor kips up and hits him with a chokeslam. We almost never see that from someone who isn’t a super heavyweight. Douglas attacks, but Razor blocks ever punch and knocks him back over. Dean goes up to the top rope again, this time Razor gets a roll-up, but Dean counters. Razor hits an elbow drop, and loosely drapes his arm over Dean, but Dean’s leg is outside the ring, clearly under the rope.

There’s a slight delay, but the ref calls it, it’s Razor’s win.

Winner: Razor Ramon

What a gigantic anticlimax. No redemption story, no comeback, no dedication to Shawn, Dean looked like a total chump and even the new champ’s win was a total fluke! Actually makes you feel a little bad for both Dean Douglas the character and Shane Douglas the man. The kliq completely buried him at this pay-per-view and the booking didn’t even make Razor look great anyway. An absolute waste is all I would call this match.

Bret Hart makes his entrance, but don’t get excited, he’s not working this time. Having your best wrestler skip the pay-per-view seems like a great way to make In Your House just that little bit worse. Bret scares Lawler off and takes his place at commentary for the main event. Oh goody.

Instead of a pre-match video package, Dox Hendrix tries to shamelessly sell us lots of awful WWF merchandise. Dox then asks how Diesel feels. He says he feels funky.

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