Cool Wrestling News
WWE & CM Punk reach deal on merchandise

As noted, WWE has started selling some CM Punk merchandise on their shop website. It appears WWE and Punk have reached some sort of deal. Punk is also in the WWE 2K15 game that comes out this month and the WWE Flintstones movie that comes out next year.

As noted earlier, attorneys of the former WWE Superstar sent WWE a 22-page letter regarding non-payment of royalties he feels he’s owed. In an apparent response to the letter, WWE slashed prices on many Punk items before removing them altogether. This included a huge price drop in the “Best In the World” DVD and Blu-ray, which was reduced to $2.99.

The discrepancy stems from WWE feeling Punk was in breach of his contract when he quit the organization this year, and therefore WWE feels they do not owe him anymore money. It should also be noted that Punk’s 22-page letter to WWE was not a lawsuit.


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